Although I've never much found myself an interesting person, I realise getting to know one another is a great start to building friendships and to learning that even those behind the social media accounts are human, too! Without further ado, here are ten (perhaps commonly known?) facts about myself!
② My favourite animals are dogs, bears, bunnies, small birds, and deer. Coincidentally, my favourite (noteable) animal characters include Pom Pom Purin, Isabelle, Rilakkuma, Pooh Bear, Duffy, and My Melody. With that being said, I do adore characters like Marie and Daisy, as well as others!
③ While I love everything and anything pink, my favourite colour actually happens to be sky blue! Pink tends to be easier to find, pairs better with certain colours, and look slightly better on me..!
⑤ When I was younger, I had dreams of joining Cirque du Soleil, of becoming a teacher, and of being a baker. Now, I'm still not quite sure want I want to be, other than kind.
⑥ I first became interested in fashion in 2009/2010, a time when I wore t-shirts, jeans, and had an arm full of 'kandi'. I owned a single copy of the Gothic Lolita Bible and would daydream about the girls/clothes I saw online. I found a blogger who was into Gyaru and quickly began researching everything I could. I went through Agejo, Amekaji, Hime, Onee and even a mori attempt before my heart fell for romantic brands like Ank Rouge, Liz Lisa, and even DreamV, with their subtle colours and cutesy patterns. It's taken quite some time to build up a wardrobe with clothes I feel both happy and comfortable in, but I'm so very proud of what I've managed so far!
⑧ Prior to my boyfriend, I had never been kissed by the opposite sex. It may come as a surprise to some, but I am quite openly attracted to both sexes.
⑨ I've been into anime since I was very young, as both of my older sisters were into it, and I'm extremely pleased that it's a part of my life. I would watch anime after school in elementary, attended my first convention in 2005, bought my first cosplay in 2006 (though I took several years hiatus afterwards!), and have been collecting figures, manga, posters, and other such merchandise for many years! My favourite genres are, of course, shoujo, mahou shoujo, and idols!
⑩ I was not always as kind as I am now, nor am I always perfect. I slip up and I throw tantrums, say some not so kind words, yell and even curse. It's learning from the things I don't like about myself that makes me a better person. There is always room for progress.
I tried to be as diverse in my topics as possible, so I hope you found at least one interesting fact! Again, thank you to everyone who took the time to even read a smidgen of my novel, it's greatly appreciated.
With love, always,